Aug 15, 2011

Karri Forests

Karri Forest photograph by Rachael Taft.
This lesson is a twist on the ever popular Birch Trees Art Lesson. I don't know the true origin of this lesson, but I got the idea from this lesson at Deep Space Sparkle

We don't have birch trees here in Western Australia, but  we do have the Karri, a eucalyptus tree which grows to around 90 metres tall and has a cream coloured bark. These Karri forest landscapes were created by students from Pre-Primary to grade 3.

Did you know 2011 is International Year of The Forest? Well, it is! Hug a tree!


  1. Beautiful! I love the layers of color and the shadows.

  2. Beautiful trees.
    I love the shades of greens.

    Thanks for sharing

  3. From one creative west Aussie to another, I love your blog. I taught art for a year in West Africa to mostly American kids and loved it!! I love seeing the kids art and the ideas you have. One day I'll add a Dip. Ed to my BA ARt and become a real art teacher!

  4. Thanks Amanda, yes, do the Dip. Ed - that's how I did it too!

  5. Hey Anne,

    I just did a project with my kinders based on your lesson. Thanks for the inspiration!

  6. Hey these drawings are a little amateur but not half bad. I remember my times as a kid when i used to color, draw and paint, so this brought me some nostalgia.

    1. A little amateur? These were done by children age 5 - 9 years of age.

  7. Beautiful trees.I love the shades of greens. Thanks a lot for sharing
