Feb 13, 2013

Clay Weaving Looms

A while back I had my grade 4 students make these clay looms after seeing this Artsonia exhibit. Students rolled a slab of clay, trimming the edges to create an irregular shape. We then used a jar to cut out the hole. An odd number of holes were made around the edge of the hole. I liked the idea of these being wall plaques featuring either a sun or moon design, so I had the students decorate the clay as a sky. 

After glazing and firing, embroidery thread was threaded across the holes to create the warp. After this step was done I realised I didn't like them with black thread so some students used white or a colour. Students then used a tapestry needle threaded with wool to weave around the circle.

This project was all a little bit experimental for me, but now that I have done these once I will know what not to do next time. In a couple of photos you can see that some students forgot to add the holes in the clay around the circle and I failed to notice this before firing! I had these students weave onto a cardboard circle instead which I later glued to the back of their clay.


  1. Это потрясающе!!! Очень нравится))

  2. These are beautiful. Thank you for sharing!

  3. I think these turned out really well, I see potential for a Monet waterlily theme also!

  4. These are great! I love the combination of clay and fibers.

  5. Clever you. This is a great idea. Thank you.

  6. Love this idea and love how they turned out!

  7. I love this idea! The first one actually reminds me of Monet's water lillies and the last one and fourth last one (ha) remind me kind of Starry Night!... in case that somehow inspires you for your next time around : )... this is a definite "will try" for me!

  8. simply stunning. i love the organic shapes and textures in the clay. i will certainly be doing these with my "big kids" next year!
