Nov 5, 2013

Taj Mahal Drawings

I really love these drawings of India's magnificent Taj Mahal by my grade 4 and 5 students.

Students used photographs of the Taj Mahal and its reflection as a reference. They folded their page down the middle and drew the Taj Mahal sitting atop their fold line. They then transferred the image to the other side of their page (like a mirror image) by scribbling or tracing over the back of their image using a lightbox.

Visiting the Taj Mahal.
Once they had their mirror image drawing, they outlined the reflection in a coloured oil pastel of their choice, before applying a wash of one or more coloured dyes to their page. The image was completed by outlining their original drawing.

I was fortunate enough to visit the Taj Mahal a few weeks after these drawings were completed. I felt that I was able to appreciate it more thanks to my students who had been studying images of the palace for weeks. 


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  2. It Seems Really Very Unique, Great Talent - All drawings Images Really wonderful thanks for sharing these all drawings Art images with us. Golden Triangle Tour With Ranthambore gives you an opportunity to visit Agra, Delhi, jaipur and Ranthambore monuments.

  3. Wow!!! The Taj Mahal is looking more beautiful in your pictures, in fact to see a great moment of Tajmahal at night. Thank you for sharing these Taj Mahal drawing with us. there are some good Same day Taj Mahal Tour by car
