May 26, 2010

Ancient Roman Style Paper Mosaics

Inspiration: Black and white ship mosaics from Ancient Rome.

These grade 7s were studying the ancient world as well as learning Italian so it seemed like a great opportunity to look at Roman mosaics.
After showing the students photographs showing different examples of boat mosaics they designed their own by cutting paper into small pieces and creating a mosaic on black card. Finishing touches were drawn on with liquid paper pens.
Limiting the colour scheme to black and white created a striking display of boats.


  1. Thanks Sherri. I love your comments!

  2. This is my first visit here. I love your style! Your projects will definitely inspire some homeschool art this summer and next scoolyear. Thank you!

  3. Wow, these are gorgeous. I'm not sure my kids would have the patience, but it's still worth a try. But I'd have to use white pencils instead of liquid paper pens (toxic!) for the detail.

  4. Thanks K-Sue, glad to help!
    Good idea Phyl - the kids all have liquid paper pens as part of their school stationery here so I guess no one's too concerned about the toxicity. Are they really bad?? :/

  5. Well, I believe the stuff we use here in the US is toxic. Don't know if you use the same material, and your regulations regarding materials/toxicity etc could be quite different than here in US. I think our kids would write on their skin, which is how the toxins are absorbed..

  6. These look great!
    What size paper did you use?
