Aug 15, 2010

Cockatoos and Galahs.

My grade 2 students have recently created these mixed media drawings of Australian parrots.They were inspired by the Pink and Grey Galah and the Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo.


  1. Your birds are turning out GREAT! Way to go!

  2. Those are really good! Talented kids.

  3. They are lovely! Did you sponge-paint the birds and then use oil pastels for details? That's what it looks like I think. And I just noticed -it looks like the feathers on the head were glued on!

  4. Thanks guys, I actually had expected these to be much better so I'm glad you like them. Phyl, they used a brush to paint the bodies - just a bit of dry-brushy dabbing. We made papery feathers for the head feathers and glued them on. They were supposed to only glue them a little so they would stick up... ah well!
