Nov 11, 2010

Indian Inspired Peacocks

These grade 3 students had been studying India to tie in with the Commonwealth Games held recently in Dehli.

The peacock is India's national bird and these peacocks were inspired by the decorative and colourful style of Indian arts and crafts.

They began by drawing peacocks from various photographs, then coloured them with oil pastels, washed over the top with blue dye and embellished with coloured sequins and a gold painted border.

The photos don't really do these justice I'm afraid, they are very shiny and beautiful in reality!


  1. Wow! Beautiful Indian Peacocks. I love the colours and what talented year 3s. Congratulations! Anna:)

  2. Oh! How fun! These are beautiful - and I'm so glad to see the variety of the peacocks! Great observation drawing/ design unit!

  3. I love that they are all so different. Also the fine lines that the students used in the tail feathers gave each peacock a delicacy in contrast to the solid bodies. These are just soooo beautiful!!

  4. These are wonderful - the individual talents of each artist shines through, and I love how each peacock is different!

  5. How gorgeous! Can you tell me the blue dye used? I would love to try this.

  6. Hi Erika - not sure where you are but in Australia the dye is called Edicol. It's kind of like food colouring if that helps.

  7. Thank you- I'm in California but I will look for something similar. Appreciate you getting back to me and look forward to future posts!
