Feb 9, 2011

50 Awesome & Inspiring Blogs for Art Teachers

Coloured Pencils. Use them.
A huge thanks to Accredited Online Colleges for listing me in their recently published article'50 Awesome & Inspiring Blogs for Art Teachers'. 
I'm honoured to be recognised and also I'm checking out all the other blogs on the list right now!


  1. Congrats on making the list. Tell me something...what brand of colored pencils lasts the longest? My students go through them like water on a desert.

  2. Thanks ladies - Janie, I like Faber Castell or Derwent art pencils for myself, but I'd never be able to afford to use them with students. My students usually have their own individual set of coloured pencils for school - when the art room pencils are getting low, I ask the kids to bring their own pencil cases in with them.
