Feb 16, 2011

More Jim Dine Inspired Paintings

I have been on a bit of a blogging hiatus for many weeks now due to school holidays, losing my job :( and moving house. I am now back teaching art one day a week (which is not nearly enough!) and started the school year by letting these grade 6/7s have a bit of fun with these Jim Dine inspired heart paintings for Valentine's Day.


  1. really love the white painted negative space... i'll remember that for next year!

  2. Sorry to hear you lost your job - I think you are a fabulous art teacher, and I'm sure more work will come your way soon. I teach the equivalent of one day, (spread over two days though), from Yr5 to Yr 10 in a tiny school in central NSW. I love it!

  3. The Jim Dine hearts look awesome. I love the variety in colors and brush strokes.

  4. Jim Dine started out as a public school art teacher. he also did a stint in one of the schools in Berlin about twenty years ago teaching printmaking. he taught drawing at the Salzburg Summer Academy. i had the priviledge of being in his class in '94, '95 and '97. his first wife is a film maker and got an Academy Award nomination in the documentary category around '98

  5. Replies
    1. Hi Sheri,

      Just paint a piece of paper in colours and patterns of your choice. Once dry, use black, white, or another colour to paint the outline of a heart then continue to paint the negative space, rather than the heart itself.

  6. Love your Jim Dine style hearts. Think I'll make a bunch this week and give one to everyone I know.

  7. Thank you so much! I love it and would like to try it.
