Jul 8, 2011

Self Portrait Print Project

This is a print-making project I did with a grade 1 and 2 class recently. We began with self portraits using mirrors. I really, really pushed them to look and try to capture themselves. (Regrettably there were a few frustrated tykes in tears at first :( but in the end their drawings were AMAZING!) So, then I resized the drawings on a photocopier so the students could trace them onto a piece of foam. After a couple of demonstrations of the print-making process, each student made several prints from these foam blocks and I mounted them as a little folded booklet for them. 


  1. These are wonderful! Very impressive for grade 1 and 2. I like the idea of the contour drawing and print together. I'll have to try this.

  2. I agree with Mary. I love the idea of displaying the two versions together!

  3. Ditto! Looks great! It was a good idea to give them a photocopy.
