Nov 11, 2013

Peacock Drawings

These peacocks were drawn by my grade one students as part of our recent India theme. The peacock is India's national bird and these peacocks were inspired by the decorative and colourful style of Indian arts and crafts.

Students were given several photographs of peacocks as a reference and we discussed using basic shape to break down the image to make it simpler to draw. Once their drawing was completed in pencil, students used oil pastels in blues and greens to colour. We then painted on some blue edicol dye (food dye) to create a bit of a wax resist. Finally the drawings were outlined in black marker and sequins were added as a collage element.

I have taught this same lesson a few years back with grade 3 students. You can see their results here. I think the grade ones have done a charming job with theirs too.


  1. How sweet are these?! I like how each child created a completely unique peacock, no formula here. :)

  2. No way! I'm doing Peacock drawings in my class this week too!!
