Oct 9, 2011

Clay Fossils

I have made fossils with grade ones before as part of a dinosaur themed unit. I do like the ones I had done previously with objects cast in plaster (see them HERE) However, they were quite tricky. Then I saw this simple but effective fossil idea from Gail at That Artist Woman. I had the students create a small flat disc from terracotta clay (like a biscuit or a cookie). We used plastic dinosaurs as well as plastic trees to make imprints in clay. After firing I had each child add a small amount of white paint using a sponge roller, just to bring out the texture details a little more.
The kids enjoyed pretending these were biscuits or cookies.

Plastic dinos? CHECK. How cool is my job?


  1. A great solution! These seem easy to do and look really super.

  2. They look amazing! Love the white paint on the clay...really emphasises the imprints.

  3. These are great!! I love the idea of a dinosaur fossil. I use paper lay to make doll faces but never thought of doing anything else with it.

  4. Hello! My name is Oksana. I am developer of the children's game about dinosaurs.
    I really liked your lesson "Clay Fossils". I made a blog post about your lesson and provide a link to your article.
    if you're interested you can be viewed here -
    thank you
