Oct 12, 2011

Dali: The Man of Many Moustaches

Can anyone tell me why moustaches are so in right now? Not just real ones but basically anything with a curly moustache on it. If you haven't noticed this phenomenon, you just need to type in the word 'moustache' (or 'mustache' if you're American) into the search bar of Pinterest to see cushions, mugs, t-shirts, necklaces etc printed with moustaches. Here is also a funny blog post about the inexplicable trend of moustaches on sticks at weddings, which I have also seen a lot of!
Anyhow, I am unintentionally upholding this trend with my latest Salvador Dali lesson. 
Spanish Surrealist painter Salvador Dali (1904-1989) was as well known for his strange paintings as for his strange attention seeking behaviour and eccentric look. I think he is probably largely responsible for the stereotype that all artists have long curly moustaches.  As a bit of fun for my students who have been studying Dali this term I printed out many images of Dali and his famous moustache. From these they created these Dali portraits, complete with pipe cleaner moustache which could be sculpted into any wild creation. This was a really fun lesson and I love the results from students of all ability levels.



  1. Anne,

    I absolutely love this "twist" on portrait work. Dali's mustache is the bomb!

  2. What a fun lesson...wish I was in your class!!

  3. I've never liked Dali but that is such a cool lesson! Love it!!

  4. Love it,just a question about approach. Did you have kids do a self portrait, or Dali's Portrait. Just wondering how my ladies would react to putting a mustache on their faces.


  5. Such an original lesson! I particularly like the cross-eyed Dali and the winking Dali.They really captured his eccentric persona.

  6. Thanks all :) Ashley - these are all supposed to be portraits of Dali.

  7. Ha ha ha!!! Oh, how I wish I thought of this when I taught Dali last year! I absolutely LOVE it!!

  8. Love this, of my blog is named after it!
