Oct 15, 2011

Picasso Style Guitar Collages


Students completed a still life drawing of a guitar before cutting up a copy of their drawing to create a collage in the style of Spanish artist Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) using techniques of the Cubist style. Cubist painters took apart their subject matter and re-assembled it in abstracted form. Guitars were a favourite subject of Picasso. His guitar collages included cut pieces of paper including wallpaper, newspaper and sand paper. 
Guitar, Sheet Music, and Wine Glass
Pablo Picasso. 1912.
Image from

My grade 5 and 6 students used the following criteria to complete their collage:
Using the Pablo Picasso paintings and collages for inspiration, create your own collage from your guitar still life drawing. You must use at least 3 of these things:
- Sheet music or newspaper
- String or wool
- Wood grain paper
- Brown paper or coloured paper 
- Patterned paper  
and at least 1 of these mediums: 
- Watercolours
- Oil Pastels
- Permanent markers or textas


  1. These look great! Just wondering if you had received my email?

  2. I love how each one of these is so completely unique. Wonderful Picasso collage lesson!

  3. i did a similar lesson last year with 2nd grade and it was a tough one. there were good results, but i think i had too many steps (we drew a front view and a back view of the guitar) and the kids got a bit confused. i am looking to simplify it for this year. i like what your kids have done - thanks for sharing!

  4. These look awesome! I'm working on a picasso guitar project as well :)

  5. Thanks all :)
    @ Marianne - I've just emailed you back a rather long reply so have a snack ready :)
