Nov 26, 2011


These adorable little sheep were made by my pre-primary and grade one class. I saw this idea nearly a couple of years back at The Inadvertant Farmer. Check out the post there for detailed instructions. As you may know, I love animal art projects involving pegs (see HERE for evidence). 

This is similar to the zebras except that you wrap the body in wool until your sheep looks like it's wearing a rather fetching little woolly jumper. I thought I'd let the students choose the wool themselves so we ended up with many new varieties of sheep. We glued on little ears cut from black paper to finish. The children loved them and couldn't wait to have a play with them once they were done.


  1. Anne, these are darling. I want to try them myself!

  2. These bring me back to my youth living on a sheep farm. So cute!!!

  3. these are fabulous...they kind of remind me of Anthropolgie crafts. i think i will try these with some of my classes. i'll link back to you.

  4. Can I be part of your class? You have such fun ideas! My kids are going to love doing these! Thanks!
