Mar 25, 2013

Grade One Take on The Masters

Last year I gave each of my grade one students a giant colouring-in sheet to complete over the year, which eventually became the cover page of their art folio. I had a few different famous paintings for the students to choose from and in the end I loved seeing how five and six year olds approached these famous images. I love the women with their heavy-handed green eye-shadow! I thought you may like to see some of these too.

A Bar at the Folies Bergere, Edouard Manet, 1882 image courtesy of impressionist1877

Rose and Tulip, Edouard Manet 1882 image courtesy of

The Bridge at Moret-Sur-Loing, Alfred Sisely. image via

Bedroom in Arles, Vincent Van Gogh, 1888. image courtesy of vg

Mona Lisa, Leonardo Da Vinci c 1503-1519 image courtesy of wikipedia


  1. These are so gorgeous! I love the thought that they have become aware of these famous paintings and will have a real connection to the artists. I really enjoy seeing the work/play the children are doing. Mrs A
