Apr 4, 2013

Colour Panel Sculptures

I first saw this great project three years ago on Mrs Picasso's Art Room blog and have had it tucked away in my bag of tricks (more recently known as Pinterest) until such time as now. I am really drilling all my students with colour mixing and colour theory projects at the moment, as it doesn't seem to stick from year to year. These sculptures were the perfect way to reinforce colour mixing with my grade 4 and 5 students.
I had my students create 5 different shapes by gluing together popsticks and then painting each frame black all over. (I think Mrs Picasso's students used cardboard frames?)
Once dry they were asked to cut a different coloured piece of cellophane and glue it to each frame.
They then had to come up with a way of assembling the coloured panels so as to create a balanced and interesting sculpture which would appear different colours depending on which side it was viewed from. Some chose to have their piece remain two dimensional, some attached it to a stand, some had their finished piece as a hanging sculpture but most chose to glue (with help from myself and a glue gun) their panels at various angles so as to form a 3D piece.

I had my students glue their sculptures to a wooden base. We painted the bases black to match the rest of the sculpture, however next time I would paint them white instead as the black makes it difficult to see through some of the coloured panels.
gifscreate animated gif

create animated gif
create animated gif


  1. where did you get the colored cellophane?

    1. Hi Mrs Art Teacher - I didn't realise coloured cellophane was hard to get in the U.S. I'm in Australia and I can get it pretty much anywhere from the local supermarket, newsagent, gift shop and any of my arts and crafts suppliers. I actually got this cellophane from here:
      But I'm not sure how useful this information will be for you. Good luck!

  2. This just made my "to do" list. Love these!

  3. I already commented once but I can't get this project out of my head. Can't wait for Monday to give them a try. For the reader who ask about cellophane,try the clearance aisle for after Eastermaterials. I bet you will find some there!

  4. Did this and loved it but think it might be too much for my students, too advanced. What grade did you do it with?

  5. I bet if you cant find colored cellophane, permanent markers and left over laminent film would work

  6. Really lovely and easy on the budget. Win, win!

  7. Thanks guys - and good call Robin!

  8. I found cellophane at hope that helps...............

  9. How did you glue cellophane paper to the wood? Thanks ;)

    1. Hi Adriana - I think I had students paint on a little PVA glue to stick cellophane.

  10. Replies
    1. I don't think you'd get such a good effect with tissue paper.

  11. Hey did you use hot glue to attach the forms to the base?

    1. Hi Mark - I glued them for the students with a hot glue gun.
