Apr 30, 2011

The Versatile Blogger Award

Rule #1 
Thank the person who gave you your award and link them back to your post.
I have been enjoying my school holidays for a couple of weeks now and have returned to my blog to find I have been awarded The Versatile Blogger Award by both Joanna from We Heart Art and Julie from Creating Art. Thank you so much to these ladies, I am honoured! I have seen these awards flying back and forward between blogs and it's always great to feel part of this blogging community!
Rule #2
Tell us seven things about yourself.
I've done this before so I'm going to link to this post. 

Rule #3 
Award ten recently discovered bloggers. 
Here are ten art teaching blogs I enjoy reading through. Most I have recently discovered. Check them out!

Rule #4
Contact these bloggers and let them know they've received their award.  
Will do!


  1. Cool! Thanks a ton, I love your Van Gogh chair pop-up project, can't wait to try it someday:) I shared it on my blog:)
