Jul 19, 2012

South African Inspired Pottery

These gorgeous little pinch pots were made recently by my grade one students after admiring the South African guinea fowl pot (pictured left), which I borrowed from a parent and staff member. (Thanks Mariette!).

The students were shown how to use pinch and pull methods with clay to create a small, round pinch pot which was glazed with orange inside and later painted with black and white paints on the outside.

Students were given a choice of white on black, or black on white and the rows of dots were made with cotton buds.

I think these pots are just perfectly imperfect and look amazing all together. Perhaps I will never let the kids take these home!


  1. yep these are really really cool!

  2. These are stunning! I love them! :)

  3. I love your color combo. The clay I use turns out to be the same color as your orange glaze, so this is handy for me.

  4. These are wonderful! Love the graphic look of the black and white against the orange.

  5. Oh, they are just beautiful! The kids should be very proud of themselves.

  6. The dotted dishes are so tempting to finally get my act together and do some pottery with my students!
    I love your blog and find it so stimulating!
    What do you think of my last post? I'd appreciate a comment .

    1. Thanks so much Neomi! Thanks also for inviting me to see your blog, I love it!

  7. how do you get the wonderful glace

  8. Hej - hvilken maling bruger du til at male hvid og sort efter brændingen? De er meget fine, men jeg tør ikke kaste mig over forløbet med min klasse, så længe jeg ikke kan gennemskue, hvilken stærk maling du har brugt til at gøre dem så fine og glansfulde uden på skålen. Mange tak for hjælpen. Med venlig hilsen Anna Marie - Danmark


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